Dr Elaine Kelly: all content

    Showing 1 – 20 of 55 results

    Article graphic

    Social care and the COVID-19 pandemic


    In this blog we explore how care homes fit into the wider system of adult social care in England, and why they appear particularly badly hit by the pandemic.

    3 July 2020

    Working paper graphic

    End-of-Life Medical Expenses

    Working Paper

    In this review, we document end-of-life medical spending: its level, composition, funding, and contribution to aggregate medical spending. We discuss how end-of-life expenses affect household behavior and economic evidence on the efficacy of medical spending at the end of life. Finally, we document recent trends in health and chronic disease at older ages and discuss what they might imply for end-of-life spending and medical spending in the aggregate.

    12 December 2018

    Publication graphic

    How would you fund the NHS?


    How would you fund the NHS? Use this tool to try and reach these projected funding “targets” through increasing taxes and / or by cutting government spending in other areas.

    25 June 2018

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    How good is the NHS?

    Book Chapter
    This is a chapter of The NHS at 70. To mark the BBC’s coverage of the NHS’s 70th birthday in July 2018, researchers from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Health Foundation, The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust have come together for the first time, using combined expertise to shed light on some of the big questions on the NHS.

    25 June 2018

    Publication graphic

    The NHS at 70


    To mark the BBC’s coverage of the NHS’s 70th birthday in July 2018, researchers from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Health Foundation, The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust have come together for the first time, using combined expertise to shed light on some of the big questions on the NHS.

    25 June 2018

    Publication graphic

    Public spending on children in England: 2000 to 2020


    This report provides new estimates of total spending by the government on children in England, including benefits, education spending,services for vulnerable children and healthcare. In the most recent year of data (2017–18), total spending was over £120 billion or over £10,000 per child under 18.

    12 June 2018

    Article graphic

    Difficult choices lie ahead on how good we want the NHS to be


    In new work with the Health Foundation, we estimate that it would require an average growth in health spending of 3.3 per cent for the next 15 years just to keep the NHS providing the level of service it does today — with a slightly bigger increase to address immediate funding requirements.

    25 May 2018