Professor Alissa Goodman: all content

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Permanent Differences? Income and Expenditure Inequality in the 1990s and 2000s


This report sets out what has happened to income and expenditure inequality in the 1990s and early 2000s, comparing the changes to previous decades. Although income is very often used for assessing living standards in this country, spending is often more informative, because many people can choose to borrow, save or run down their savings at any given time, in order to adjust their standard of living.

1 June 2004

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Fine-tuning the HE reforms


The Higher Education (HE) Bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons on the 31st of March 2004. Here we suggest one way in which the implementation of the proposals can be simplified.

1 April 2004

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An analysis of the higher education reforms


The Government's plans for reforming Higher Education (HE) funding have been a source of great controversy. Much of this controversy has been focused on what the reforms will mean for students from different family income backgrounds, and on the levels of debt they may need to incur to go to higher education. Concern has also been raised about how graduates will be affected by these debt repayments throughout their working lives, as well as whether or not the funds raised will improve the situation of universities significantly. This Briefing Note addresses these issues, as well as describing the evolution of the proposed reforms to Higher Education funding in recent months. In doing this, we set out and explain the system which is most likely to be implemented if the HE Bill is passed, and discuss the ways in which students, graduates, and universities are likely to be affected. We also consider the possible effects on the taxpayer.

2 January 2004

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How has child poverty changed since 1998-99? An update


An additional 100,000 children were lifted out of poverty on the most commonly cited of the government's relative poverty measures between 2000ְ1 and 2001ְ2. The most recent figures show 3.8 million children (roughly 30 per cent of all children) in Britain in households with income below 60 per cent of the median income after housing costs. Although this means that almost one in three children in Britain live in poverty on this definition, this is the lowest level recorded since 1991. Since the Labour government came to power, the total drop in the numbers in child poverty has been around 500,000.

1 March 2003

Book graphic

Income and Living Standards

Book Chapter
Click here to access data on living standards, poverty and inequality since 1961 and to view our other annual reports on the topic.

1 February 2003

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Inequality and living standards in Great Britain: some facts


Income inequality continued to rise under the first two years of Labour, and on the latest figures remains higher than before the present Government came to power. This briefing note sets out some basic facts about the distribution of income in Great Britain, and explains the reasons behind some of the main trends. Areas covered include the important changes which have occurred in the labour market, demographics and taxes and benefits.

1 December 2002