Richard Blundell presenting

Research methods

We continue to make advances in developing models and methods to study the dynamic behaviour of individuals and firms, the structure of the education, labour and marriage markets, and their implications for policy design and evaluation.

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Showing 441 – 460 of 1020 results

Working paper graphic

Identifying effects of multivalued treatments

Working Paper

Multivalued treatment models have only been studied so far under restrictive assumptions: ordered choice, or more recently unordered monotonicity. We show how marginal treatment effects can be identified in a more general class of models.

8 December 2015

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Robust confidence regions for incomplete models

Working Paper

Call an economic model incomplete if it does not generate a probabilistic prediction even given knowledge of all parameter values. The authors propose a method of inference about unknown parameters for such models that is robust to heterogeneity and dependence of unknown form

8 October 2015

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Clinical trial design enabling ε-optimal treatment rules

Working Paper

This paper uses the frequentist statistical decision theory of Wald (1950) to study design of trials under ambiguity. The authors show that ε-optimal rules exist when trials have large enough sample size.

28 September 2015

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A lava attack on the recovery of sums of dense and sparse signals

Working Paper

Common high-dimensional methods for prediction rely on having either a sparse signal model, a model in which most parameters are zero and there are a small number of non-zero parameters that are large in magnitude, or a dense signal model, a model with no large parameters and very many small non-zero parameters. The authors consider here a generalisation of these two basic models, termed here a “sparse + dense” model, in which the signal is given by the sum of a sparse signal and a dense signal.

22 September 2015

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Monge-Kantorovich depth, quantiles, ranks and signs

Working Paper

The authors propose new concepts of statistical depth, multivariate quantiles, vector quantiles and ranks, ranks, and signs, based on canonical transportation maps between a distribution of interest on Rd and a reference distribution on the d-dimensional unit ball.

22 September 2015

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Identification of the distribution of valuations in an incomplete model of English auctions

Working Paper

An incomplete model of English auctions with symmetric independent private values, similar to the one studied in Haile and Tamer (2003), is shown to fall in the class of Generalized Instrumental Variable Models introduced in Chesher and Rosen (2014). A characterization of the sharp identified set for the distribution of valuations is thereby obtained and shown to refine the bounds available until now.

29 June 2015

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Counterfactual worlds

Working Paper

The authors study a generalization of the treatment effect model in which an observed discrete classifier indicates in which one of a set of counterfactual processes a decision maker is observed. The other observed outcomes are delivered by the particular counterfactual process in which the decision maker is found.

8 June 2015

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Income effects and the welfare consequences of tax in differentiated product oligopoly

Working Paper

Random utility models are widely used to study consumer choice. The vast majority of applications make strong assumptions about the marginal utility of income, which restricts income effects, demand curvature and pass-through. The authors show that flexibly modeling income effects can be important, particularly if one is interested in the distributional effects of a policy change, even in a market in which, a priori, the expectation is that income effects will play a limited role. The authors allow for much more flexible forms of income effects than is common and illustrate the implications by simulating the introduction of an excise tax.

8 June 2015