
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 1801 – 1820 of 2008 results

Journal graphic

Citizenship and Social Security

Journal article

The aim of this paper is to elucidate the idea of citizenship that lies behind the Labour government's welfare reforms.

1 June 2003

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Social Security Design in the UK: What is optimal?

Journal article

This paper uses a simple model of how households at different points on the income distribution make decisions about saving and labour supply to illustrate some of the problems government faces in designing social security systems.

1 June 2003

Article graphic

To spend wisely?


This article was published in Government Opportunities on 1st June 2003.

1 June 2003

The Treasury

Budget 2003

After each Autumn Statement, Budget and Spending Review, we publish analysis of the Chancellor's proposals and reforms.

9 April 2003

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Children, well-being and taxes and benefits: Part II

Journal article

In the previous edition, we argued that governments might care about child poverty for reasons of equity and efficiency, and we introduced the concept of an equivalence scale as a way to help compare well-being across different sorts of households.

1 April 2003

Book graphic

The economics of public spending

This book brings together articles from a series in Fiscal Stufies, each addressing a different area in public spending and policy.

20 March 2003

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Social security and households' saving

Journal article

This paper provides new evidence on the substitutability between private and pension wealth by exploiting the Italian pension reform of 1992.

14 March 2003

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Where has all the investment gone?


Public sector investment was weaker during Labour's first term than in any other five-year period since the Second World War.

7 March 2003

Publication graphic

How has child poverty changed since 1998-99? An update


An additional 100,000 children were lifted out of poverty on the most commonly cited of the government's relative poverty measures between 2000ְ1 and 2001ְ2. The most recent figures show 3.8 million children (roughly 30 per cent of all children) in Britain in households with income below 60 per cent of the median income after housing costs. Although this means that almost one in three children in Britain live in poverty on this definition, this is the lowest level recorded since 1991. Since the Labour government came to power, the total drop in the numbers in child poverty has been around 500,000.

1 March 2003

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London's congestion charge


On 17 February 2003, one of the world's largest and most ambitious plans to tackle urban congestion began, with the introduction of a congestion charge for central London. It is hoped that this õ daily charge for many vehicles entering the Inner Ring Road charging zone will significantly reduce the level of congestion faced by those travelling into and out of central London both by private and by public transport. This Briefing Note aims to provide a guide to the workings of the London congestion charge.

1 February 2003

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Thinking the unthinkable


When Chancellor Gordon Brown delivered his pre-budget report on November 27th, no one doubted that he would reduce his forecasts for economic growth and raise his estimates of government borrowing.

6 December 2002