
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 1101 – 1120 of 2008 results

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The rapidly changing state


On current forecasts, public spending will take the same proportion of national income in 2017–18 as it did in 2003–04. But it will be being spent on quite different things.

18 March 2013

The Treasury

Budget 2013

After each Autumn Statement, Budget and Spending Review, we publish analysis of the Chancellor's proposals and reforms.

13 March 2013

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Making tax policy


With exactly one month to go until the Budget, IFS and the Institute for Government are holding a joint event on how tax policy might be better made. In this observation, Paul Johnson, IFS director, reflects on why we still have a long way to go in designing a more coherent tax system and why the current policymaking process may be partly to blame.

20 February 2013

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Better options exist to help low earners than 10p tax rate


In a speech in Bedford today, the Leader of the Opposition, Ed Miliband, has proposed reintroducing a 10% income tax rate on a narrow band of income, to be paid for by a new ‘mansion tax’ on residential properties worth more than £2 million. In this observation, IFS researchers explain why there are better alternatives to both of these policies that would have similar distributional effects.

14 February 2013