Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 541 – 560 of 946 results

Journal graphic

The distributional impact of the 2012-13 higher education funding reforms in England

Journal article

This paper investigates the financial implications of the higher education funding regime to be introduced in English universities in September 2012. The analysis is based on simulated lifetime earnings profiles among graduates, linked to imputed information on parental incomes and institution and course choices.

29 June 2012

Publication graphic

Special Educational Needs funding systems: role of incentives


Every funding system creates incentives for some individuals to behave in particular ways, and systems for financing Special Educational Needs (SEN) are no different. In this short note, we examine the incentives that systems for financing special educational needs can create for different individuals.

1 June 2012

Working paper graphic

The returns to private education: evidence from Mexico

Working Paper

Despite the rapid expansion and increasing importance of private education in developing countries, very little is known about the impact of studying in private schools on educational attainment and wages. This paper contributes to fi…lling this gap by estimating the returns to private high schools in Mexico.

19 April 2012

Working paper graphic

Household responses to information on child nutrition: experimental evidence from Malawi

Working Paper

Incorrect knowledge of the health production function may lead to inefficient household choices, and thereby to the production of suboptimal levels of health. This paper studies the effects of a randomised intervention in rural Malawi which, over a six-month period, provided mothers of young infants with information on child nutrition without supplying any monetary or in-kind resources.

11 April 2012