Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 201 – 220 of 946 results

Publication graphic

2020 annual report on education spending in England: schools


School spending covers pupils in state-funded schools aged 5–16, as well as pupils aged 16–19 in school sixth forms. In 2019–20, total spending on schools in England represented about £51 billion (in 2020–21 prices), accounting for 17% of total public service spending in England.

18 September 2020

An image of children drawing

Childcare during the pandemic

The closures of childcare providers to most families during the COVID-19 crisis have underlined the importance of access to childcare.

9 September 2020

September return to school offers a chance to level the playing field


In this observation, we use data from an online survey of parents with school-aged children – funded by the Nuffield Foundation and collected during June and July 2020 – to document the patchwork of in-person schooling that children had before the summer. We also explore parents’ concerns about sending their children back to school at the end of the last term.

23 August 2020

How are mothers and fathers balancing work and family under lockdown?


The COVID-19 crisis has caused drastic changes to most parents’ work lives and other responsibilities. Millions of adults have lost or are forecast to lose their jobs permanently; many more have stopped work temporarily. Others are newly working from home, while many key workers are experiencing additional pressures and risks in their work. For most parents, school and childcare closures have meant that children are at home, and requiring care, for at least an extra six hours a day.

27 May 2020

An image of a child using a laptop to learn from home

Who's looking after the kids?

How much time have children spent learning from home? Are mothers and fathers sharing the responsibility equally?

27 May 2020