Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 565 - 576 of 883 results

Publication graphic

Who does and doesn’t pay taxes?


This briefing note summarises new research on which types of people under-report the taxes they owe, and what effects audits have on government revenue.

26 October 2017

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Inference with difference-in-differences revisited

Journal article

A growing literature on inference in difference-in-differences (DiD) designs has been pessimistic about obtaining hypothesis tests of the correct size, particularly with few groups.

18 October 2017

Working paper graphic

The dynamic effects of tax audits

Working Paper

Understanding tax non-compliance and the effectiveness of strategies to tackle it is crucial for a modern tax authority. In this paper we study how and why audits impact reported tax in the years after audit - the dynamic effect - for individual income taxpayers.

26 October 2017

Journal graphic

Can universal preschool increase the labour supply of mothers?

Journal article

Since the 1970s, many countries have established free or highly subsidized education for all preschool children in the hope of improving children’s learning and socio-economic life chances and encouraging mothers to join the labor force. Evaluations reveal that these policies can increase maternal employment in the short term and may continue to do so even after the child is no longer in preschool by enabling mothers to gain more job skills and increase their attachment to the labor force. However, their effectiveness depends on the policy design, the country context, and the characteristics of mothers of preschoolers.

16 October 2017

Working paper graphic

Risk-based selection and unemployment insurance: evidence and implications

Working Paper

This paper studies whether adverse selection can rationalize a universal mandate for unemployment insurance (UI). Building on a unique feature of the unemployment policy in Sweden, where workers can opt for supplemental UI coverage above a minimum mandate, we provide the first direct evidence for adverse selection in UI and derive its implications for UI design.

10 October 2017