Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 445 - 456 of 883 results

Article graphic

Who benefits from benefits?


Debates about welfare policy often discuss benefit recipients as though they are a fixed, relatively small group of people. In reality, people’s circumstances fluctuate frequently over their lifetimes, often dramatically and in ways that matter hugely for entitlements to benefits. People’s health changes, they move in and out of work, their earnings vary, and children come and go. In new research, IFS researchers use data which tracks the same individuals over long periods of time to provide a longer-run perspective on people’s interactions with the benefits system.

1 March 2018

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Gender earnings gap biggest for highest educated


A new IFS report funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shows that one important factor in the gender wage gap is that mothers spend less time in paid work, and more time working part time, than do fathers, and as a result, they miss out on earnings growth associated with more experience.

21 February 2018

Publication graphic

The decline of homeownership among young adults


The falls in the proportion of young adults owning their own home have been documented in previous work. In this briefing note, we provide up-to-date analysis of these falls in homeownership, and which groups of young adults have seen the sharpest falls.

16 February 2018

Journal graphic

Do consumers gamble to convexify?

Journal article

The combination of credit constraints and indivisible consumption goods may induce some risk-averse individuals to gamble to have a chance of crossing a purchasing threshold.

1 November 2016