Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 385 - 396 of 883 results

Publication graphic

Securing the future: funding health and social care to the 2030s - summary


On 5 July this year the NHS will be 70. In all its 70 years it has rarely been far from the headlines. It has been through more than its fair share of reforms, crises and funding ups and downs. Over that period, the amount we spend on it has risen inexorably. Yet, today, concerns about the adequacy of funding are once again hitting the headlines, as the health and social care systems struggle to cope with growing demand.

24 May 2018

Publication graphic

Securing the future: funding health and social care to the 2030s


On 5 July this year the NHS will be 70. In all its 70 years it has rarely been far from the headlines. It has been through more than its fair share of reforms, crises and funding ups and downs. Over that period, the amount we spend on it has risen inexorably. Yet, today, concerns about the adequacy of funding are once again hitting the headlines, as the health and social care systems struggle to cope with growing demand.

24 May 2018

Article graphic

Economic trends: council funding system faces overhaul


David Phillips and Neil Amin-Smith examine the plans for radical overhaul of the council funding system, explore the impact of the funding pilot on local authority spending and question whether it is creating fairer distribution of funds for local authorities.

21 May 2018

Presentation graphic

Education and Earnings: Insights from the NCDS


Using unique British cohort studies, this presentation unpicks the causal impact of A-levels and University degrees on individual earnings, showing that these ‘returns’ are 50% overestimated if family background and early years ability is ignored.

8 March 2018

Article graphic

Costs of leaving customs union will inevitably outweigh the benefits


The idea of having our own trade policy, of cutting tariffs, of signing shiny new trade agreements sounds terribly enticing. The reality, though, is boring. Get a sense of scale, throw in some simple arithmetic and sprinkle a basic understanding of trade and it is obvious that the economic costs of leaving the customs union must outweigh the benefits.

30 April 2018

Publication graphic

An overview of the ELSA 'end of life' data


The ageing of the population is one of the biggest changes facing society today. People are living longer, remaining healthier at older ages, and working and engaging in society for longer. This is an achievement that should be celebrated, both in its own right and for the opportunities it presents, with older generations able to provide assistance to younger generations and pass down their accumulated experience and wisdom. However, such changes are, of course, not without challenges.

11 June 2018