ESRC Institute for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy

Showing 505 - 516 of 636 results

IFS WP2022/08 Inequality and creative destruction

Inequality and creative destruction

Working Paper
We review recent evidence showing how market forces and policies shape the rate and direction of innovation, with various implications for inequality.

19 January 2022

IFS WP2022/06 Measuring top income shares in the UK

Measuring top income shares in the UK

Working Paper
This paper examines measurement error in the share of income going to the top 1% (and other subgroups) that comes from estimation of the denominator.

14 January 2022

IFS WP2022 Managing retirement incomes

Managing retirement incomes

Working Paper
In this paper we discuss the state of the literature relating to the decumulation of retirement wealth and the management of retirement incomes.

14 January 2022

Presentation graphic

Spending Review 2021 and the wider funding outlook


In this presentation at the Local Government Association's Annual Local Government Finance Conference (2022), IFS researchers explained the economic and fiscal outlook, looked at how councils' finances have fared during the pandemic, and the funding outlook and issues facing the sector in the next few years.

13 January 2022

Electricity meter

The cost of living crunch

We examine the rising cost of living, its impacts on different kinds of households, and the mitigation measures available to the government.

12 January 2022