Education spending pressures and challenges

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results

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Resource challenges facing further and higher education


Further and higher education providers face severe resource challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this event, IFS researchers and panellists Philip Augar and Mary Curnock Cook analysed these challenges.

3 November 2020

2020 annual report on education spending in England


In our annual series of reports on education spending, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, we bring together data on education spending per student across the life cycle and provide analysis about the major issues facing different sectors.

3 November 2020

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Education spending in England: launch of 2019 annual report


IFS researchers presented the key findings from their second annual report on education spending in England, supported by the Nuffield Foundation, providing consistent measures of day-to-day spending per pupil in England across the four main stages of education stretching back to the early 1990s.

19 September 2019

Student raises hand

2019 annual report on education spending in England


Education spending is the second-largest element of public service spending in the UK behind health, representing about £91 billion in 2018–19 in today’s prices or about 4.2% of national income.

19 September 2019