

Showing 21 – 40 of 125 results

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The costs and benefits of different initial teacher training routes

Event 10 November 2014 at 10:30 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS
This research project is investigating the costs and benefits of different initial teacher training routes. It is led by researchers from IFS, and also involves the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and the Institute of Education, University of London. The seminar will launch new research findings from a survey of schools, which has been linked to wider information about trainees and schools to answer the following key question: how does cost-effectiveness vary between initial teacher training routes from a school’s perspective?
Publication graphic

The Costs and Benefits of Different Initial Teacher Training Routes


This report provides the first evidence of the relative cost-effectiveness of different routes into teaching in England, describing and empirically estimating the costs and benefits of different routes into teaching while accounting, as far as possible, for the selection of teachers with different characteristics into each route.

10 November 2014

Working paper graphic

Tackling social exclusion: evidence from Chile

Working Paper

We study an innovative welfare program in Chile which combines a period of frequent home visits to households in extreme poverty, with guaranteed access to social services.

27 May 2014

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Equalising Opportunity? School Quality and Home Disadvantage in Vietnam

Journal article

In this paper we examine the learning achievement of primary school pupils in Vietnam and explore the relationships between home-background, teacher, peer and school factors and learning progress in Grade 5, using data from Young Lives. We find that disadvantaged pupils receive relatively equitable access in relation to indicators of ‘fundamental’ school quality, a considerable policy success regarding the provision of ‘minimum standards’. However, differences by home advantage are relatively large where more sophisticated ‘opportunities to learn’ are considered, such as the number of hours of instruction received, including through ‘extra classes’, as well as access to learning resources such as computers, internet and non-text books.

10 January 2014

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Career progression, economic downturns, and skills

Working Paper

This paper analyses the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers with a focus on how careers are affected by economic downturns and whether formal skills, acquired early on, can shield workers from the effect of recessions.

30 August 2013

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Empirically probing the quantity–quality model

Journal article

This paper estimates the causal effects of family size on girls’ education in Mexico, exploiting prenatal son preference as a source of random variation in the propensity to have more children within an instrumental variables framework.

30 July 2013

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A workshop on evaluating the impact of youth programmes

Event 3 June 2013 at 11:30 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This workshop will introduce participants to the principles of impact evaluation and provide guidance on how youth programmes and services can best be evaluated.
Presentation graphic

The National Pupil Database


Presentation given by Paul Sinclair of the Department for Education at the Workshop on Evaluating the Impact of Youth Programmes, 3rd June 2013

3 June 2013

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Teenage Pregnancy in England


This CAYT report provides new insights into the individual, school and area-level risk factors associated with teenage conceptions and the decision to continue with a pregnancy conditional on conceiving.

21 May 2013

Working paper graphic

Career progression, economic downturns and skills

Working Paper

This paper analyses the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers, with a focus on how careers are affected by economic downturns and whether formal skills, acquired early on, can shield workers from the effect of recessions.

11 March 2013