

Showing 141 – 160 of 318 results

Article graphic

After the recession giveaways; what next for output?


Today's GDP figures show that the economy grew by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2010. In the election campaign much has been made of the impact of the timing of spending cuts and tax increases on the ability of the UK economy to sustain this recovery. This is an important issue, but much less attention has been given to the equally important question of how UK growth is likely to fare in the medium term which will be largely determined by efficiency with which we produce goods and services and the extent to which we develop new ideas.

23 April 2010

Publication graphic

UK productivity in the recession


In this Briefing Note, we briefly describe trends in UK productivity over the recent recession and how they compare with those in the US.

23 April 2010

Publication graphic

Welfare reform and the minimum wage


This Briefing Note reviews developments in welfare policy under the current government and analyses the manifesto proposals of the three main political parties in this policy area.

21 April 2010

Working paper graphic

Earnings, consumption and lifecycle choices

Working Paper

This paper discusses recent developments in the literature that studies how the dynamics of earnings and wages affect consumption choices over the life cycle.

16 April 2010

Working paper graphic

ICT, corporate restructuring and productivity

Working Paper

We investigate the idea that increased use of ICT has facilitated outsourcing of business services, and that these are complementary activities in production because they allow firms to focus on their core competencies.

17 April 2009