

Showing 201 – 220 of 1024 results

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Recovering social networks from panel data: identification, simulations and an application

Working Paper

It is almost self-evident that social interactions can determine economic behavior and outcomes. Yet, information on social ties does not exist in most publicly available and widely used datasets. We present results on the identification of social networks from observational panel data that contains no information on social ties between agents.

8 October 2018

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Mostly harmless simulations? On the internal validity of empirical Monte Carlo studies

Working Paper

Currently there is little practical advice on which treatment effect estimator to use when trying to adjust for observable differences. A recent suggestion is to compare the performance of estimators in simulations that somehow mimic the empirical context. Two ways to run such ‘empirical Monte Carlo studies’ (EMCS) have been proposed.

27 September 2018

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Bootstrap methods in econometrics

Working Paper

This article explains the usefulness and limitations of the bootstrap in contexts of interest in econometrics.

18 September 2018

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Shape constrained density estimation via penalized Rényi divergence

Working Paper

Shape constraints play an increasingly prominent role in nonparametric function estimation. While considerable recent attention has been focused on log concavity as a regularizing device in nonparametric density estimation, weaker forms of concavity constraints encompassing larger classes of densities have received less attention but offer some additional flexibility.

18 September 2018

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Testing for the presence of measurement error in Stata

Working Paper

In this paper, we describe how to test for the presence of measurement error in explanatory variables. First, we discuss the test of such hypotheses in parametric models such as linear regressions and then introduce a new Stata command [R] dgmtest for a nonparametric test proposed in Wilhelm (2018b).

28 August 2018

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Testing identifying assumptions in fuzzy regression discontinuity designs

Working Paper

We propose a new specification test for assessing the validity of fuzzy regression discontinuity designs (FRD-validity). We derive a new set of testable implications, characterized by a set of inequality restrictions on the joint distribution of observed outcomes and treatment status at the cut-off. We show that this new characterization exploits all the information in the data useful for detecting violations of FRD-validity.

20 August 2018

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Kernel block bootstrap

Working Paper

This article introduces and investigates the properties of a new bootstrap method for time-series data, the kernel block bootstrap.

25 July 2018

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Improved density and distribution function estimation

Working Paper

Given additional distributional information in the form of moment restrictions, kernel density and distribution function estimators with implied generalised empirical likelihood probabilities as weights achieve a reduction in variance due to the systematic use of this extra information.

23 July 2018

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Non-Bayesian updating in a social learning experiment

Working Paper

In our laboratory experiment, subjects, in sequence, have to predict the value of a good. We elicit the second subject’s belief twice: first (“first belief”), after he observes his predecessor’s action; second (“posterior belief”), after he observes his private signal. Our main result is that the second subjects weigh the private signal as a Bayesian agent would do when the signal confirms their first belief; they overweight the signal when it contradicts their first belief.

4 July 2018

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Nonlinear factor models for network and panel data

Working Paper

Factor structures or interactive effects are convenient devices to incorporate latent variables in panel data models. We consider fixed effect estimation of nonlinear panel single-index models with factor structures in the unobservables, which include logit, probit, ordered probit and Poisson specifi cations.

3 July 2018

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Common values, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogenous entry in U.S. offshore oil lease auctions

Working Paper

An oil lease auction is the classic example motivating a common values model. However, formal testing for common values has been hindered by unobserved auction-level heterogeneity, which is likely to affect both participation in an auction and bidders' willingness to pay. We develop and apply an empirical approach for fi rst-price sealed bid auctions with affiliated values, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogenous bidder entry.

3 July 2018