Local government finance

Local government finance

Showing 161 – 180 of 248 results

Presentation graphic

Tax devolution & Wales: a primer


Presentation given to the Welsh Assembly Finance Committee discussing the background to good tax design, tax devolution, and the need for a new fiscal framework (including adjustments to block grant funding) to accompany tax devolution.

15 September 2016

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Welsh budgetary trade–offs to 2019–20

The challenges facing Welsh Government and Welsh councils when setting their budgets in the context of continued spending constraint and rising demand

14 September 2016

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Determining “what works” in local councils – the case of ‘Street Champions’ in Lambeth

Event 11 July 2016 at 10:30 <p>Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ</p>
At this event, we will be launching the first set of results to come out of the evaluation on different ways to get citizens more involved in the delivery of public services. IFS researchers will present the empirical results and policy implications of the evaluation, whilst representatives from Lambeth Council will talk about their experience of the trial.
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Scotland's Fiscal Future (London event)

Event 23 March 2016 at 09:30 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS
After months of difficult negotiations, a new Fiscal Framework for Scotland to accompany its new tax and welfare powers has been agreed. In this event, David Bell(University of Stirling and the Centre on Constitutional Change), David Eiser (University of Stirling and the Centre on Constitutional Change) and David Phillips (Institute for Fiscal Studies) will examine the agreement, paying particular attention to one key part: the adjustments to Scotland's block grant to account for the devolved revenues and additional spending responsibilities the Scottish Government will soon have.
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Scotland's Fiscal Future

Event 22 March 2016 at 10:00 <p>Holyrood Rd, Edinburgh EH8 8AS</p>
At this event in Edinburgh, David Phillips from IFS and colleagues from the University of Stirling examined the new fiscal framework, paying particular attention to the adjustments to Scotland's block grant.
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Council tax rises to ease the pace of cuts to local government budgets

Yesterday was a big day for local government in England. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published the Provisional Local Government Funding Settlement – which sets out how much in the way of core grants it plans to give each English council every year between 2016–17 and 2019–20. This observation analyses what it means for councils and council taxpayers, putting this in the context of the much bigger changes to council funding on the horizon: the full localisation of business rates, and the abolition of central government grants.

18 December 2015

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Local government: a devolution revolution?


This presentation was given to the Local Government Association's County Council's network on the potential impact of recent and proposed changes to local government finance on county councils.

1 December 2015