Human capital

Human capital

Showing 181 – 200 of 297 results

Presentation graphic

Child development in developing countries


Orazio Attanasio gave a lecture on child development in developing countries as part of Lunch Hour Lecture series at University College London.

30 November 2011

Publication graphic

Matching, sorting and wages


We develop an empirical search-matching model with productivity shocks so as to analyze policy interventions in a labour market with heterogeneous agents.

15 April 2011

Journal graphic

Wage Risk and Employment Risk over the Life Cycle

Journal article

We specify a life-cycle model of consumption, labor supply and job mobility in an economy with search frictions. We distinguish different sources of risk, including shocks to productivity, job arrival, and job destruction. Allowing for job mobility has a large effect on the estimate of productivity risk. Increases in the latter impose a considerable welfare loss. Increases in employment risk have large effects on output and, primarily through this channel, affect welfare. The welfare value of programs such as Food Stamps, partially insuring productivity risk, is greater than the value of unemployment insurance which provides (partial) insurance against employment risk.

1 September 2010

Publication graphic

Welfare reform and the minimum wage


This Briefing Note reviews developments in welfare policy under the current government and analyses the manifesto proposals of the three main political parties in this policy area.

21 April 2010

Working paper graphic

Earnings, consumption and lifecycle choices

Working Paper

This paper discusses recent developments in the literature that studies how the dynamics of earnings and wages affect consumption choices over the life cycle.

16 April 2010