Government spending

Government spending

Showing 781 – 800 of 861 results

The Treasury

Budget 2010

After each Autumn Statement, Budget and Spending Review, we publish analysis of the Chancellor's proposals and reforms.

24 March 2010

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Taxes and elections: are they by any chance related?


Last week Chancellor Alistair Darling warned us not to expect a giveaway in next week's Budget, while his Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liam Byrne, reassured us that the Government could halve the deficit by 2013-14 without announcing any further tax increases. If both statements prove correct - no pre-election tax giveaway and no new post-election tax takeaway - then this would break the pattern of the last four general elections.

15 March 2010

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Tougher than Thatcher?


"Whoever wins the election, Labour or Conservative, is going to have to cut spending. That is not something that Margaret Thatcher actually did. So tougher than Margaret Thatcher." So said George Osborne on the Today Programme this morning - and the numbers by and large bear him out.

25 February 2010

The Treasury

Pre-Budget Report 2009

After each Autumn Statement, Budget and Spending Review, we publish analysis of the Chancellor's proposals and reforms.

9 December 2009

Article graphic

Banking on change


A year and a half into the recession, how close are the public finances to Treasury forecasts and what does the future hold?

5 November 2009

Presentation graphic

The UK public finances


This public economics lecture was delivered at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in October 2009.

28 October 2009

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Conduct your own Spending Review

The Treasury's plans for public spending would require spending by central government on public services to be cut in real terms by 8.6% in 2013-14 compared to 2010-11. Is this too much or too little, and how should the pain be shared? A new tool, DIY Spending Review, that can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet enables you to carry your own "Spending Review 2010".

18 September 2009

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Tighter than thou


There is a lot we do not yet know about how Labour and the Conservatives would go about repairing Britain's battered public finances over the next few years. But yesterday's speeches by David Cameron and Alistair Darling at least highlight a sharp difference of opinion over what should be done next year. Yet the picture is quite not as straightforward as either makes out.

9 September 2009

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Chronic underinvestment?


In Prime Minister's Questions this week Gordon Brown and David Cameron clashed over the Government's plans for spending on investment in public services. So how do the plans for investment spending going forwards compare to Labour's record to date and to that of previous Conservative Governments?

26 June 2009