Consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour

Showing 361 – 380 of 699 results

Working paper graphic

Do consumers gamble to convexify?

Working Paper

We show that lottery players display higher income effects than non-players but only amongst those likely to be credit constrained.

6 May 2011

Article graphic

Reforming microfinance, what is the evidence?


Until recently microfinance - the extension of very small loans to those in poverty designed to spur entrepreneurship - was cheered as an excellent policy to alleviate poverty. But more recently such policies have been viewed less favourably. What does the evidence show on the effectiveness of such schemes, and how can they be reformed to operate better?

12 April 2011

Presentation graphic

Fiscal measures to improve diet


This presentation was given to the Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum in the Commons in April 2011.

1 April 2011