A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 1761 – 1780 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

A revealed preference method for valuing new goods

Working Paper

This paper presents a revealed preference method for calculating a lower bound on the virtual price of new goods and suggests a way to improve these bounds by using non-parametric expansion paths. This allows the calculation of cost-of-living and price indices when the number of goods changes between periods.

1 January 1996

Working paper graphic

Intergenerational mobility in Britain

Working Paper

In this paper we examine the concept of intergenerational mobility in earnings and in lifetime or 'permanent' status, and discuss its measurement using regression and quantile transition matrix approaches.

1 January 1995

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Housing assets and savings behaviour among the elderly in Great Britain

Working Paper

The study, using the 1988-89 Retirement Survey in Britain: (i) estimates expenditure on housing relative to income for the sample aged 55-69, (ii) simulates optimal housing/consumption allocations for a simple life cycle model and (iii) examines the relationship between 'excess' holdings of housing, financial dissaving and other portfolio behaviour subsequent to retirement.

1 January 1995

Working paper graphic

Vertical equity and horizontal inequity: a new approach to measurement

Working Paper

A new procedure for measuring horizontal inequity and vertical equity in the income tax is proposed, for which the "equals" under the tax law are socioeconomic groups, and the equal treatment norm is a command that, for equity, these groups should face the same tax schedule.

1 January 1995