A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 1701 – 1720 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Public and private choice in UK health insurance

Working Paper

Many parts of the public sector coexist with private provision of similar services and in such circumstances we may expect to find interaction between public and private choices.

26 October 1998

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Horizontal inequity comparisons

Working Paper

When an income tax or tax-benefit system is applied to the distribution of personal incomes, three effects on the distribution of peoples' living standards can be discerned.

1 October 1998

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Modelling voluntary labour supply

Working Paper

Recent studies have found a negative relationship between voluntary labour market activity and the opportunity cost of time, measured by the individual's net wage.

1 October 1998

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Tax price effects on attitudes to hypothecated increases

Working Paper

Perceptions of private benefits from hypothecated tax increases may be correlated with income either because individuals with different incomes are more or less interested in public services or because they anticipate bearing different shares of the implied tax burden.

16 August 1998

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Trends in household saving: a tale of two countries

Working Paper

In this paper we argue that only when one uses data and arguments relating to the life-time experiences of individuals or households within an economy can one understand recent trends and patterns in saving rates.

27 March 1998