A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 1041 – 1060 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Model comparisons in unstable environments

Working Paper

The goal of this paper is to develop formal tests to evaluate the relative in-sample performance of two competing, misspeci…ed non-nested models in the presence of possible data instability

7 June 2012

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The effect of the financial crisis on older households in England

Working Paper

We use these data and earlier ELSA waves first to document the effect of the crisis on the finances of those aged 50 and over in England, and second, to estimate the effect of wealth shocks on household consumption and individual expectations of the future.

30 April 2012

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The returns to private education: evidence from Mexico

Working Paper

Despite the rapid expansion and increasing importance of private education in developing countries, very little is known about the impact of studying in private schools on educational attainment and wages. This paper contributes to fi…lling this gap by estimating the returns to private high schools in Mexico.

19 April 2012

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Household responses to information on child nutrition: experimental evidence from Malawi

Working Paper

Incorrect knowledge of the health production function may lead to inefficient household choices, and thereby to the production of suboptimal levels of health. This paper studies the effects of a randomised intervention in rural Malawi which, over a six-month period, provided mothers of young infants with information on child nutrition without supplying any monetary or in-kind resources.

11 April 2012

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The distributional impact of public spending in the UK

Working Paper

Assessing the impact of government activity on the distribution of household living standards is essential to the evaluation of public service provision but raises challenging conceptual issues that we discuss in this paper.

21 March 2012

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Revealed preference in a discrete consumption space

Working Paper

We show that an agent maximizing some utility function on a discrete (as opposed to continuous) consumption space will obey the generalized axiom of revealed preference (GARP) so long as the agent obeys cost efficiency.

7 March 2012