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Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 741 – 760 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

An econometric model of link formation with degree heterogeneity

Working Paper

This paper formulates a model of undirected dyadic link formation which allows for assortative matching on observed agent characteristics (homophily) as well as unrestricted agent level heterogeneity in link surplus (degree heterogeneity).

4 August 2015

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Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation under monotonicity

Working Paper

The ill-posedness of the inverse problem of recovering a regression function in a nonparametric instrumental variable model leads to estimators that may suffer from a very slow, logarithmic rate of convergence. In this paper, the authors show that restricting the problem to models with monotone regression functions and monotone instruments significantly weakens the ill-posedness of the problem.

13 July 2015

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A discrete model for bootstrap iteration

Working Paper

In an attempt to free bootstrap theory from the shackles of asymptotic considerations, this paper studies the possibility of justifying, or validating, the bootstrap, not by letting the sample size tend to infinity, but by considering the sequence of bootstrap P values obtained by iterating the bootstrap.

13 July 2015

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Treatment effects with many covariates and heteroskedasticity

Working Paper

The linear regression model is widely used in empirical work in Economics. Researchers often include many covariates in their linear model specification in an attempt to control for confounders. Here, the authors give inference methods that allow for many covariates and heteroskedasticity.

10 July 2015

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Alternative asymptotics and the partially linear model with many regressors

Working Paper

Many empirical studies estimate the structural effect of some variable on an outcome of interest while allowing for many covariates. In this paper, the authors present inference methods that account for many covariates. The methods are based on asymptotics where the number of covariates grows as fast as the sample size.

10 July 2015

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Variable selection and estimation in high-dimensional models

Working Paper

Models with high-dimensional covariates arise frequently in economics and other fields. This paper reviews methods for discriminating between important and unimportant covariates with particular attention given to methods that discriminate correctly with probability approaching 1 as the sample size increases.

2 July 2015

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The triangular model with random coefficients

Working Paper

The triangular model is a very popular way to capture endogeneity. In this paper, the authors study the triangular model with random coefficients and exogenous regressors in both equations.

30 June 2015

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Identification of the distribution of valuations in an incomplete model of English auctions

Working Paper

An incomplete model of English auctions with symmetric independent private values, similar to the one studied in Haile and Tamer (2003), is shown to fall in the class of Generalized Instrumental Variable Models introduced in Chesher and Rosen (2014). A characterization of the sharp identified set for the distribution of valuations is thereby obtained and shown to refine the bounds available until now.

29 June 2015

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Demand analysis with partially observed prices

Working Paper

In this paper the authors show that theory-consistent demand analysis remains feasible in the presence of partially observed prices, and hence partially observed implied budget sets, even if we are agnostic about the nature of the missing prices.

24 June 2015