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Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 361 – 380 of 1819 results

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Mastering Panel Metrics: Causal Impact of Democracy on Growth

Working Paper

The relationship between democracy and economic growth is of long standing interest. We revisit the panel data analysis of this relationship by Acemoglu et al. (forthcoming) using state of the art econometric methods. We argue that this and lots of other panel data settings in economics are in fact high-dimensional, resulting in principal estimators – the fixed effects (FE) and Arellano-Bond (AB) estimators – to be biased to the degree that invalidates statistical inference.

12 June 2019

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Valid simultaneous inference in high-dimensional settings (with the HDM package for R)

Working Paper

Due to the increasing availability of high-dimensional empirical applications in many research disciplines, valid simultaneous inference becomes more and more important. For instance, high-dimensional settings might arise in economic studies due to very rich data sets with many potential covariates or in the analysis of treatment heterogeneities.

12 June 2019

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Inference for heterogeneous effects using low-rank estimations

Working Paper

We study a panel data model with general heterogeneous effects, where slopes are allowed to be varying across both individuals and times. The key assumption for dimension reduction is that the heterogeneous slopes can be expressed as a factor structure so that the high-dimensional slope matrix is of low-rank, so can be estimated using low-rank regularized regression.

12 June 2019

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Semi-Parametric Efficient Policy Learning with Continuous Actions

Working Paper

We consider off-policy evaluation and optimization with continuous action spaces. We focus on observational data where the data collection policy is unknown and needs to be estimated. We take a semi-parametric approach where the value function takes a known parametric form in the treatment, but we are agnostic on how it depends on the observed contexts.

12 June 2019

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Subvector inference in PI models with many moment inequalities

Working Paper

This paper considers inference for a function of a parameter vector in a partially identified model with many moment inequalities. This framework allows the number of moment conditions to grow with the sample size, possibly at exponential rates. Our main motivating application is subvector inference, i.e., inference on a single component of the partially identified parameter vector associated with a treatment effect or a policy variable of interest.

12 June 2019

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Inference on average treatment effects in aggregate panel data settings

Working Paper

This paper studies inference on treatment effects in aggregate panel data settings with a single treated unit and many control units. We propose new methods for making inference on average treatment effects in settings where both the number of pre-treatment and the number of post-treatment periods are large.

12 June 2019

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Uniform inference in high-dimensional Gaussian graphical models

Working Paper

Graphical models have become a very popular tool for representing dependencies within a large set of variables and are key for representing causal structures. We provide results for uniform inference on high-dimensional graphical models with the number of target parameters d being possible much larger than sample size.

12 June 2019

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The impact of work on cognition and physical disability: Evidence from English women

Working Paper

Delaying retirement has significant positive effects on the average cognition and physical mobility of women in England, at least in the short run. Exploiting the increase in employment of 60-63 year old women resulting from the increase in the female State Pension Age, we show that working substantially boosts performance on two cognitive tests, particularly for singles.

11 June 2019

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Confi dence Intervals for Projections of Partially Identifi ed Parameters

Working Paper

We propose a bootstrap-based calibrated projection procedure to build confidence intervals for single components and for smooth functions of a partially identified parameter vector in moment (in)equality models. The method controls asymptotic coverage uniformly over a large class of data generating processes.

7 June 2019

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Why has in-work poverty risen in Britain?

Working Paper

Our new research examines the reason for the increased in-work relative poverty rate in Britain over the last 25 years, which has risen by almost 5 percentage points from 13% to 18%.

7 June 2019

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Community matters: heterogenous impacts of a sanitation intervention

Working Paper

We study the effectiveness of a community-level information intervention aimed at reducing open defecation (OD) and increasing sanitation investments in Nigeria. The results of a cluster-randomized control trial conducted in 247 communities between 2014 and 2018 suggest that average impacts are exiguous.

6 June 2019

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Econometrics with Partial Identification

Working Paper

Econometrics has traditionally revolved around point identi cation. Much effort has been devoted to finding the weakest set of assumptions that, together with the available data, deliver point identifi cation of population parameters, finite or infi nite dimensional that these might be. And point identifi cation has been viewed as a necessary prerequisite for meaningful statistical inference. The research program on partial identifi cation has begun to slowly shift this focus in the early 1990s, gaining momentum over time and developing into a widely researched area of econometrics.

31 May 2019

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Estimation Under Ambiguity

Working Paper

To perform Bayesian analysis of a partially identified structural model, two distinct approaches exist: standard Bayesian inference, which assumes a single prior for the structural parameters, including the non-identified ones; and multiple-prior Bayesian inference, which assumes full ambiguity for the non-identified parameters. The prior inputs considered by these two extreme approaches can often be a poor representation of the researcher’s prior knowledge in practice.

28 May 2019

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Non-asymptotic inference in a class of optimization problems

Working Paper

This paper describes a method for carrying out non-asymptotic inference on partially identifi ed parameters that are solutions to a class of optimization problems. The optimization problems arise in applications in which grouped data are used for estimation of a model's structural parameters. The parameters are characterized by restrictions that involve the population means of observed random variables in addition to the structural parameters of interest. Inference consists of finding con fidence intervals for the structural parameters. Our method is non-asymptotic in the sense that it provides a fi nite-sample bound on the difference between the true and nominal probabilities with which a confi dence interval contains the true but unknown value of a parameter. We contrast our method with an alternative non-asymptotic method based on the median-of-means estimator of Minsker (2015). The results of Monte Carlo experiments and an empirical example illustrate the usefulness of our method.

17 May 2019

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A Note on Specification Testing in Some Structural Regression Models

Working Paper

There exists a useful framework for jointly implementing Durbin-Wu-Hausman exogeneity and Sargan-Hansen overidenti cation tests, as a single arti cial regression. This note sets out the framework for linear models and discusses its extension to non-linear models. It also provides an empirical example and some Monte Carlo results.

16 May 2019

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Can Micro-Credit Support Public Health Subsidy Programs?

Working Paper

The low take-up of cost-effective and highly subsidised preventive health technologies in low-income countries remains a puzzle. In this paper we analyse whether, and how, micro- finance supports a large public health subsidy program in the developing world - the Swachh Bharat Mission - in achieving its aim of increasing uptake of individual household latrines.

8 May 2019

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Labelled Loans, Credit Constraints and Sanitation Investments

Working Paper

Credit constraints are considered to be an important barrier hindering adoption of preventive health investments among low-income households in developing countries. We find labelling loans is a viable strategy to improve uptake of lumpy preventive health investments.

7 May 2019

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Optimal Data Collection for Randomized Control Trials

Working Paper

In a randomized control trial, the precision of an average treatment effect estimator and the power of the corresponding t-test can be improved either by collecting data on additional individuals, or by collecting additional covariates that predict the outcome variable. To design the experiment, a researcher needs to solve this tradeoff subject to her budget constraint. We show that this optimization problem is equivalent to optimally predicting outcomes by the covariates, which in turn can be solved using existing machine learning techniques using pre-experimental data such as other similar studies, a census, or a household survey. In two empirical applications, we show that our procedure can lead to reductions of up to 58% in the costs of data collection, or improvements of the same magnitude in the precision of the treatment effect estimator.

2 May 2019

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LASSO-Driven Inference in Time and Space

Working Paper

We consider the estimation and inference in a system of high-dimensional regression equations allowing for temporal and cross-sectional dependency in covariates and error processes, covering rather general forms of weak dependence.

29 April 2019