A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 1221 – 1240 of 1348 results

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The structure of welfare


This Election Briefing Note looks at whether we can see a difference between the parties in their approach to taxes and benefits.

1 January 2001

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Issues in the design and implentation of an R&D tax credit for the UK


This Briefing Note reviews some of the major issues in the design and implementation of R&D tax credits. R&D tax credits have become a popular policy tool for encouraging R&D spending by business, with many countries offering subsidies of this form. Recent empirical evidence suggests that R&D tax credits are an effective instrument in stimulating additional R&D. However, in order to be desirable, a policy needs to be cost-effective and implementable.

1 January 2001

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Vehicle Excise Duty discounts in rural areas


This paper looks at the strategy of cutting Vehicle Excise Duty for people living in rural areas, and asks whether this would be an effective way of helping those most in need.

1 October 2000

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Fiscal reforms since May 1997


Focusing on the distributional consequences, this paper details the changes in the tax and benefit system in the Labour government's Budgets since they came to power in 1997.

1 October 2000

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The petrol tax debate


In this briefing note, we look at the arguments for and against a fuel tax.

1 July 2000

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Pressures in UK healthcare: challenges for the NHS


This commentary examines the role of both the public and private sectors in delivering healthcare in the UK. How does the UK compare with other countries? What is the role of private finance in the delivery of healthcare? What variations in NHS quality are seen across the UK? How much additional pressure is there likely to be on the NHS budget in future as a result of an ageing population?

1 May 2000

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Corporate tax harmonisation in Europe: a guide to the debate


This report aims to shed some light on the complex issues that surround this debate. Topics addressed include recent trends in corporate tax systems, costs imposed by having diverse national corporate taxes within Europe, proposals for limited co-ordination of corporate income taxes within the EU and more ambitious options for corporate tax harmonisation.

1 May 2000

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The employment effects of the Working Families Tax Credit


In October 1999 WFTC replaced Family Credit as the main package of in-work financial support for families with children. This note compares the results of three IFS projects assessing the effectiveness of the WFTC in getting people back to work.

1 April 2000

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The role of information in saving decisions


This note looks at the kind of information people have on saving and how this effects their decisions to invest in the future. We also ask what policies could be used to provide people with clear information which they trust.

1 February 2000