A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 861 – 880 of 1348 results

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Families and children


This Election Briefing Note, drawing in part on past notes in this series, analyses the manifesto proposals of the three main political parties in the area of families with children.

29 April 2010

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Environmental policy proposals


In this election briefing note, we look at the environment policy proposals put forward by the three main UK political parties in their manifestos, as well as the current government's plans for the future.

28 April 2010

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Taxes and benefits: the parties' plans


This note discusses the tax and benefit proposals of Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, looking at their economic and administrative merits, their distributional impact and their effect of incentives to work and save.

27 April 2010

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Education policy


This note looks at trends in education spending under Labour and at the three main parties proposals for early years, schools and higher education.

26 April 2010

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UK productivity in the recession


In this Briefing Note, we briefly describe trends in UK productivity over the recent recession and how they compare with those in the US.

23 April 2010

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The axe is coming soon and it will hurt, warns the IFS


Efficiency savings alone won't be enough to sort out the UK's massive deficit and there will have to be cuts in the quality and/or quantity of public services coupled with cuts to welfare benefits and increases in tax, write Rowena Crawford and Carl Emmerson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

21 April 2010

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Welfare reform and the minimum wage


This Briefing Note reviews developments in welfare policy under the current government and analyses the manifesto proposals of the three main political parties in this policy area.

21 April 2010

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Environmental policy since 1997


In this note, we will examine Labour's record on environmental policy since 1997. We start with a broad overview of the environmental record, looking at key outcomes on environmental taxes, expenditures and emissions and continue by looking in detail at policy developments and outcomes.

20 April 2010

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Cohabitation, marriage and child outcomes


This Commentary documents in some detail how children's cognitive and social development differs between married and cohabiting parents, and provides a preliminary assessment of the extent to which such differences might be due to a causal effect of marriage itself.

19 April 2010

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Public spending under Labour


Even more than in previous elections, the appropriate size of the state - measured by public spending as a share of national income - is a key issue.

12 April 2010

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Tax and benefit reforms under Labour


This Election Briefing Note describes the main tax and benefit reforms since 1997, and shows how they have affected total government revenues.

7 April 2010

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What has happened to 'Severe Poverty' under Labour?


This election briefing note finds strong evidence of an increase in the rate of severe poverty since 2004-05, mirroring a rise in the official poverty rate, although the rate of persistent poverty does seem to have fallen under Labour, at least until 2007.

7 April 2010

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Poorer children's educational attainment: how important are attitudes and behaviour?


This report examines the extent to which the aspirations, attitudes and behaviour of parents and children can help explain why poor children typically do worse at school than children from richer backgrounds. It is based on the analysis of a number of large-scale longitudinal data sources capturing groups of children in the UK from early childhood through to late adolescence.

29 March 2010