A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 681 – 700 of 1348 results

Publication graphic

IFS Green Budget: February 2013


As Chancellor George Osborne prepares for his keynote statement on fiscal policy and the economy the IFS Green Budget assesses some of the issues he will have to deal with.

6 February 2013

Publication graphic

Will local control of council tax benefits work?


In October last year, the government announced a significant change to its plan to localise Council Tax Benefit starting in April 2013. Why was such a significant change announced to a policy two years after it was first announced and less than six months before councils will have to implement it?

5 February 2013

Publication graphic

Child Height, Health and Human Capital: Evidence using Genetic Markers


They examine whether height in children causally affects a wide range of outcomes and use children's genetic variants as instrumental variables for child height. The results suggest that height is an important factor in human capital accumulation and show that being tall may not only confer advantage but also disadvantage.

15 January 2013