A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 261 – 280 of 1348 results

Catching up or falling behind? Geographical inequalities in the UK and how they have changed in recent years


The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the fore increasing concerns about inequalities not only between different population groups – such as the gap between the rich and poor, young and old, and different ethnic groups – but also between people living in different places. Even prior to the crisis though, there was a sense that the UK is not only a highly geographically unequal country, but also an increasingly geographically unequal one.

3 August 2020

Publication graphic

What has been happening to career progression?


Interest in the issue of career progression has been growing, fuelled by a decade of stagnant productivity and pay growth (even before the COVID-19 crisis) and concerns that changes in the labour market – such as the casualisation of work in the gig economy – are making it harder for some groups to progress.

31 July 2020

Publication graphic

Inheritances and inequality within generations


This report examines the inheritances that are likely to be received by those living in England who were born in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. We explore the age at which inheritances are likely to be received and the amounts that we expect to be inherited, focusing on key inequalities in each. All figures are in 2017–18 prices.

22 July 2020

Bank notes

Sharing prosperity? Options and issues for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund


European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds help to pay for initiatives supporting business development, research and development, investment in digital and green infrastructure, as well skills and training interventions and support for job-seekers. But with the UK having formally departed the European Union, the country will stop receiving new ESI funding at the end of 2020. Thus, for 2021 and beyond, the UK government faces choices over what to replace ESI funding with.

13 July 2020

The effects of coronavirus on household finances and financial distress


In this report, we use a novel source of real-time data on households’ finances from Money Dashboard, a budgeting app, to explore the impacts of the crisis so far on earnings, incomes and financial distress, and how they are evolving. We complement this with household survey data to explain and verify the key trends.

29 June 2020

A temporary VAT cut could help stimulate the economy, but only if timed correctly


Reports indicate the government is considering a temporary cut in VAT to stimulate consumer demand, possibly targeted at sectors such as tourism and restaurants. Overall the case for a temporary VAT cut now is mixed. It could provide an important fillip to consumer demand if implemented under the right conditions. Its expiration must be carefully timed so as not to choke off a nascent recovery.

26 June 2020

Council housing

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2020


This report examines how living standards – most commonly measured by households’ incomes – were changing in the UK up to approximately the eve of the current COVID-19 crisis, using the latest official household income data covering years up to 2018–19.

25 June 2020

The geography of the COVID-19 crisis in England


The COVID-19 crisis has affected every part of the country – and indeed many other countries. What sets this crisis apart is the many different ways that it is impacting families: while the virus itself is primarily a public health issue, the unprecedented responses it has necessitated mean that this is also very much an economic and a social crisis.

15 June 2020

Covid-19: the impacts of the pandemic on inequality


Much of the debate about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, our responses to it, and the longer-term legacy that it will leave has quickly become a discussion about various forms of inequality.

11 June 2020