Why did the French Budget fail to pass? podcast<p>France’s failed budget highlights fundamental challenges with public debt, slow growth, and the need for significant reforms.</p>12 December 2024
How can we make government more productive? podcast<div class="flex-shrink-0 flex flex-col relative items-end"><div><div class="pt-0"><div class="gizmo-bot-avatar flex h-8 w-8 items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-full"><div class="relative p-1 rounded-sm flex items-center justify-center bg-token-main-surface-primary text-token-text-primary h-8 w-8"><svg class="icon-md" width="41" height="41" viewBox="0 0 41 41" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" role="img"><text x="-9999" y="-9999"></text><path d="M37.5324 16.8707C37.9808 15.5241 38.1363 14.0974 37.9886 12.6859C37.8409 11.2744 37.3934 9.91076 36.676 8.68622C35.6126 6.83404 33.9882 5.3676 32.0373 4.4985C30.0864 3.62941 27.9098 3.40259 25.8215 3.85078C24.8796 2.7893 23.7219 1.94125 22.4257 1.36341C21.1295 0.785575 19.7249 0.491269 18.3058 0.500197C16.1708 0.495044 14.0893 1.16803 12.3614 2.42214C10.6335 3.67624 9.34853 5.44666 8.6917 7.47815C7.30085 7.76286 5.98686 8.3414 4.8377 9.17505C3.68854 10.0087 2.73073 11.0782 2.02839 12.312C0.956464 14.1591 0.498905 16.2988 0.721698 18.4228C0.944492 20.5467 1.83612 22.5449 3.268 24.1293C2.81966 25.4759 2.66413 26.9026 2.81182 28.3141C2.95951 29.7256 3.40701 31.0892 4.12437 32.3138C5.18791 34.1659 6.8123 35.6322 8.76321 36.5013C10.7141 37.3704 12.8907 37.5973 14.9789 37.1492C15.9208 38.2107 17.0786 39.0587 18.3747 39.6366C19.6709 40.2144 21.0755 40.5087 22.4946 40.4998C24.6307 40.5054 26.7133 39.8321 28.4418 38.5772C30.1704 37.3223 31.4556 35.5506 32.1119 33.5179C33.5027 33.2332 34.8167 32.6547 35.9659 31.821C37.115 30.9874 38.0728 29.9178 38.7752 28.684C39.8458 26.8371 40.3023 24.6979 40.0789 22.5748C39.8556 20.4517 38.9639 18.4544 37.5324 16.8707ZM22.4978 37.8849C20.7443 37.8874 19.0459 37.2733 17.6994 36.1501C17.7601 36.117 17.8666 36.0586 17.936 36.0161L25.9004 31.4156C26.1003 31.3019 26.2663 31.137 26.3813 30.9378C26.4964 30.7386 26.5563 30.5124 26.5549 30.2825V19.0542L29.9213 20.998C29.9389 21.0068 29.9541 21.0198 29.9656 21.0359C29.977 21.052 29.9842 21.0707 29.9867 21.0902V30.3889C29.9842 32.375 29.1946 34.2791 27.7909 35.6841C26.3872 37.0892 24.4838 37.8806 22.4978 37.8849ZM6.39227 31.0064C5.51397 29.4888 5.19742 27.7107 5.49804 25.9832C5.55718 26.0187 5.66048 26.0818 5.73461 26.1244L13.699 30.7248C13.8975 30.8408 14.1233 30.902 14.3532 30.902C14.583 30.902 14.8088 30.8408 15.0073 30.7248L24.731 25.1103V28.9979C24.7321 29.0177 24.7283 29.0376 24.7199 29.0556C24.7115 29.0736 24.6988 29.0893 24.6829 29.1012L16.6317 33.7497C14.9096 34.7416 12.8643 35.0097 10.9447 34.4954C9.02506 33.9811 7.38785 32.7263 6.39227 31.0064ZM4.29707 13.6194C5.17156 12.0998 6.55279 10.9364 8.19885 10.3327C8.19885 10.4013 8.19491 10.5228 8.19491 10.6071V19.808C8.19351 20.0378 8.25334 20.2638 8.36823 20.4629C8.48312 20.6619 8.64893 20.8267 8.84863 20.9404L18.5723 26.5542L15.206 28.4979C15.1894 28.5089 15.1703 28.5155 15.1505 28.5173C15.1307 28.5191 15.1107 28.516 15.0924 28.5082L7.04046 23.8557C5.32135 22.8601 4.06716 21.2235 3.55289 19.3046C3.03862 17.3858 3.30624 15.3413 4.29707 13.6194ZM31.955 20.0556L22.2312 14.4411L25.5976 12.4981C25.6142 12.4872 25.6333 12.4805 25.6531 12.4787C25.6729 12.4769 25.6928 12.4801 25.7111 12.4879L33.7631 17.1364C34.9967 17.849 36.0017 18.8982 36.6606 20.1613C37.3194 21.4244 37.6047 22.849 37.4832 24.2684C37.3617 25.6878 36.8382 27.0432 35.9743 28.1759C35.1103 29.3086 33.9415 30.1717 32.6047 30.6641C32.6047 30.5947 32.6047 30.4733 32.6047 30.3889V21.188C32.6066 20.9586 32.5474 20.7328 32.4332 20.5338C32.319 20.3348 32.154 20.1698 31.955 20.0556ZM35.3055 15.0128C35.2464 14.9765 35.1431 14.9142 35.069 14.8717L27.1045 10.2712C26.906 10.1554 26.6803 10.0943 26.4504 10.0943C26.2206 10.0943 25.9948 10.1554 25.7963 10.2712L16.0726 15.8858V11.9982C16.0715 11.9783 16.0753 11.9585 16.0837 11.9405C16.0921 11.9225 16.1048 11.9068 16.1207 11.8949L24.1719 7.25025C25.4053 6.53903 26.8158 6.19376 28.2383 6.25482C29.6608 6.31589 31.0364 6.78077 32.2044 7.59508C33.3723 8.40939 34.2842 9.53945 34.8334 10.8531C35.3826 12.1667 35.5464 13.6095 35.3055 15.0128ZM14.2424 21.9419L10.8752 19.9981C10.8576 19.9893 10.8423 19.9763 10.8309 19.9602C10.8195 19.9441 10.8122 19.9254 10.8098 19.9058V10.6071C10.8107 9.18295 11.2173 7.78848 11.9819 6.58696C12.7466 5.38544 13.8377 4.42659 15.1275 3.82264C16.4173 3.21869 17.8524 2.99464 19.2649 3.1767C20.6775 3.35876 22.0089 3.93941 23.1034 4.85067C23.0427 4.88379 22.937 4.94215 22.8668 4.98473L14.9024 9.58517C14.7025 9.69878 14.5366 9.86356 14.4215 10.0626C14.3065 10.2616 14.2466 10.4877 14.2479 10.7175L14.2424 21.9419ZM16.071 17.9991L20.4018 15.4978L24.7325 17.9975V22.9985L20.4018 25.4983L16.071 22.9985V17.9991Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div class="group/conversation-turn relative flex w-full min-w-0 flex-col agent-turn"><div class="flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3"><div class="flex max-w-full flex-col flex-grow"><div class="min-h-8 text-message flex w-full flex-col items-end gap-2 whitespace-normal break-words [.text-message+&]:mt-5" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="1583144b-b0e6-447e-84af-e4d9e5215ef5" dir="auto" data-message-model-slug="gpt-4o"><div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-1 empty:hidden first:pt-[3px]"><div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert dark"><p>How can the public sector do more with less? We explore productivity trends, government reform and lessons from private sector innovation.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div>3 December 2024
Inheritance tax rises and the Budget: who's affected? podcast<p>We discuss how inheritance tax actually changed in the budget, who will be affected and whether it was a good idea.</p>15 November 2024
Challenges for the means-tested benefit system for older people event 11 December 2024 <p><span style="font-size:11.0pt;">At this online event, IFS researchers presented new research highlighting key issues with the benefit system around retirement age.</span></p>
IFS Public Economics Lecture Day workshop 9 January 2025 <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(37, 61, 64);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"DM Serif Text", serif;font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;orphans:2;text-align:start;text-decoration-color:initial;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-thickness:initial;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;widows:2;word-spacing:0px;">The IFS is holding a day of talks on issues in public economics of interest to undergraduates in economics and related disciplines.</span></p>
Jobs landing page<p>At IFS, we recruit and train top-quality economists and professional support staff. We aim to foster a respectful and inclusive working environment.</p>20 July 2022
Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy The Research Centre at the heart of IFS is the CPP.
Past 15 years have been worst for income growth in generations Press ReleaseWeak income growth – widespread for richer and poorer people, older and younger people – has been with us since the Great Recession.31 May 2024
IFS responds to Welsh Government announcement on the revaluation and reform of council tax Press ReleasePostponing the revaluation and reform of council tax in Wales until 2028 is disappointing but entrenching the date in primary legislation is welcome.15 May 2024
NHS spending has risen less quickly than was planned at the last election, despite the pandemic and record waiting lists Press ReleaseDespite a pandemic, record waiting lists and growing rates of ill health, real-terms health spending has risen less quickly than was planned.14 May 2024
IFS Associate Director to take up position at the Journal of Public Economics AnnouncementDr Lucie Gadenne will start as a co-editor in January 202514 May 2024
Professor Imran Rasul to lead new justice research project AnnouncementNew IFS research project on justice system in England and Wales launches today1 May 2024
4.2 million working-age people now claiming health-related benefits, could rise by 30% by the end of the decade Press ReleaseOur new report sheds more light on forecasts for a substantial increase in the number of people claiming health-related benefits in coming years.19 April 2024
New tax year gives mechanical boost to Chancellor’s ‘headroom’: he should resist the urge to spend it Press ReleaseNew interactive ‘Be the Chancellor’ tool launched today demonstrates the trade-offs and fiscal challenge awaiting the next government.16 April 2024
Sure Start greatly improved disadvantaged children’s GCSE results Press ReleaseNew research from IFS finds that Sure Start generated big improvements in the educational performance of children from low-income backgrounds.9 April 2024
Takeaways and meal delivery grew by more than 50% during the pandemic – and have stayed high thereafter Press ReleaseBefore the pandemic, the average adult consumed around 270 calories a week from takeaways. 4 April 2024
Gap between higher- and lower-paid public sector workers falls by more than a third since 2007 as doctors and experienced teachers have faced unprecedented pay cuts Press ReleaseHow has public sector pay changed in recent years? Which type of workers have done better and which have done worse?26 March 2024
Sliding education results and high inequalities should prompt big rethink in Welsh education policy Press ReleaseThis report examines the major challenges for education in Wales, including low outcomes across a range of measures and high levels of inequality.21 March 2024
New statistics show large increases in material deprivation and food insecurity during cost-of-living crisis, which headline poverty measures do not reflect Press ReleaseHeadline poverty rates in 2022-23 were similar to 2019-20 levels, but other measures of material wellbeing tell a different story.21 March 2024
IFS Deputy Director Carl Emmerson made a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences AnnouncementDeputy Director Carl Emmerson has been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.4 March 2024
Getting English NHS waiting lists down to pre-pandemic levels is highly unlikely within the next parliament Press ReleaseNHS performance will be a key election issue. We examine how NHS waiting lists have changed in the past and how they could change in the future.29 February 2024
If the Chancellor wants to cut taxes, he should tell us where the spending cuts will fall Press ReleaseHow might the outlook for the public finances change and how should the Chancellor’s tax and spending plans change in response in the Budget?27 February 2024
January usually sees the government run an overall surplus, as this is the month when a large chunk of self-assessment receipts is paid Press ReleaseToday’s ONS government borrowing figures suggest that the public sector ran a surplus of £16.7 billion in January.21 February 2024
Scottish Government boosts support for students’ living costs, but further cuts funding for universities to teach them Press ReleaseHow much does the Scottish Government spend on higher education, and what challenges does it face on university funding and living cost support? 20 February 2024
Scottish NHS is treating fewer patients than pre-pandemic, despite big increases in staffing Press ReleaseThe COVID-19 pandemic is having long-lasting impacts on NHS hospital activity, productivity and performance in Scotland, despite higher funding.9 February 2024
Scottish Budget implies real-terms cuts to health spending – a fact not revealed in official documentation Press ReleaseThe Scottish Government is raising taxes on the 5% highest-income Scots, but health funding is, on current plans, set to fall in real terms next year.6 February 2024
Itay Saporta Eksten visits IFS AnnouncementWe are pleased to welcome Professor Itay Saporta Eksten as a visitor to the IFS for the next eighteen months.31 January 2024