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Showing 2761 – 2780 of 2825 results

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The structure of corporation tax in the UK

Journal article

Corporation Tax in the UK has undergone fundamental revisions since its inception in 1965-so much so that the present system bears very little resemblance to the original proposals

26 July 1982

Journal graphic

The incidence of domestic rates and alternative local taxes

Journal article

Domestic rates have long been one of the most unpopular taxes, partly-it seems-because they are levied directly on households rather than being collected by deductions at source from employment income or indirectly in the prices of consumption goods.

26 July 1982

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An inflation tax

Journal article

The basic dilemma for any government is how to get more employment without also generating more inflation.

26 July 1982

Journal graphic

Comment on the article by Jackmann and Layard

Journal article

The great attraction of tax-based incomes policies is that insofar as they are successful they cause the socially desirable outcome to be an equilibrium one, compatible with the self-interested behaviour of economic agents.

26 July 1982