Fabien Postel-Vinay: all content

Showing 1 – 15 of 15 results

Warehouse worker

Job opportunities after the pandemic


We reflect on the current state of the labour market and ask whether the composition of jobs demanded looks different in ways which could affect the careers of workers.

25 April 2022

Cafe cleaners wearing masks

Job opportunities during the pandemic


We address questions around vacancies and labour shortages by bringing together fine-grained data on the demand and supply sides of the labour market

21 September 2021

Fiscal Studies cover

The challenges for labour market policy during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Journal article

The spread of COVID‐19, and international measures to contain it, are having a major impact on economic activity in the UK. In this paper, we describe how this impact has varied across industries, using data on share prices of firms listed on the London Stock Exchange, and how well targeted government support for workers and companies is in light of this.

27 June 2020

Journal graphic

The Cyclical Job Ladder

Journal article

Many theories of labor market turnover generate a job ladder. Due to search frictions, workers earn rents from employment.

7 August 2018

Working paper graphic

Multidimensional Sorting of Workers and Jobs in the Data

Working Paper

If the productive characteristics of workers and firms are truly multi-dimensional, what features of the data do we miss by modeling them as one-dimensional scalars? This is the question we ask in this paper.

6 June 2017