Denis Chetverikov: all content

Showing 1 – 20 of 39 results

Working paper graphic

An Adaptive Test of Stochastic Monotonicity

Working Paper

We propose a new nonparametric test of stochastic monotonicity which adapts to the unknown smoothness of the conditional distribution of interest, possesses desirable asymptotic properties, is conceptually easy to implement, and computationally attractive.

4 May 2020

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An adaptive test of stochastic monotonicity

Working Paper

We propose a new nonparametric test of stochastic monotonicity which adapts to the unknown smoothness of the conditional distribution of interest, possesses desirable asymptotic properties, is conceptually easy to implement, and computationally attractive.

15 October 2019

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High-dimensional econometrics and regularized GMM

Working Paper

This chapter presents key concepts and theoretical results for analyzing estimation and inference in high-dimensional models. High-dimensional models are characterized by having a number of unknown parameters that is not vanishingly small relative to the sample size.

12 June 2018

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An adaptive test of stochastic monotonicity

Working Paper

We propose a new nonparametric test of stochastic monotonicity which adapts to the unknown smoothness of the conditional distribution of interest, possesses desirable asymptotic properties, is conceptually easy to implement, and computationally attractive.

3 April 2018

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Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation

Working Paper

This paper introduces Stata commands [R] npivreg and [R] npivregcv, which implement nonparametric instrumental variable (NPIV) estimation methods without and with a cross-validated choice of tuning parameters, respectively.

30 October 2017

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On cross-validated Lasso

Working Paper

In this paper, we derive a rate of convergence of the Lasso estimator when the penalty parameter  for the estimator is chosen using K-fold cross-validation

27 September 2016

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Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation under monotonicity

Working Paper

The ill-posedness of the inverse problem of recovering a regression function in a nonparametric instrumental variable (NPIV) model leads to estimators that may suffer from poor statistical performance. In this paper, we explore the possibility of imposing shape restrictions to improve the performance of the NPIV estimators.

27 September 2016

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Conditional quantile processes based on series or many regressors

Working Paper

Quantile regression (QR) is a principal regression method for analyzing the impact of covariates on outcomes. The impact is described by the conditional quantile function and its functionals. In this paper we develop the nonparametric QR-series framework, covering many regressors as a special case, for performing inference on the entire conditional quantile function and its linear functionals.

30 August 2016

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Comparison and anti-concentration bounds for maxima of Gaussian random vectors

Working Paper

Slepian and Sudakov-Fernique type inequalities, which compare expectations of maxima of Gaussian random vectors under certain restrictions on the covariance matrices, play an important role in probability theory, especially in empirical process and extreme value theories. Here we give explicit comparisons of expectations of smooth functions and distribution functions of maxima of Gaussian random vectors without any restriction on the covariance matrices.

26 August 2016

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Anti-concentration and honest, adaptive confidence bands

Working Paper

Modern construction of uniform confidence bands for nonpara-metric densities (and other functions) often relies on the classical Smirnov-Bickel-Rosenblatt (SBR) condition; see, for example, Giné and Nickl (2010). This condition requires the existence of a limit distribution of an extreme value type for the supremum of a studentized empirical process (equivalently, for the supremum of a Gaussian process with the same covariance function as that of the studentized empirical process). The principal contribution of this paper is to remove the need for this classical condition.

26 August 2016

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Testing many moment inequalities

Working Paper

This paper considers the problem of testing many moment inequalities where the number of moment inequalities, denoted by p, is possibly much larger than the sample size n.

26 August 2016

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Gaussian approximation of suprema of empirical processes

Working Paper

This paper develops a new direct approach to approximating suprema of general empirical processes by a sequence of suprema of Gaussian processes, without taking the route of approximating whole empirical processes in the sup-norm.

26 August 2016

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Empirical and multiplier bootstraps for suprema of empirical processes of increasing complexity, and related Gaussian couplings

Working Paper

We derive strong approximations to the supremum of the non-centered empirical process indexed by a possibly unbounded VC-type class of functions by the suprema of the Gaussian and bootstrap processes. The bounds of these approximations are non-asymptotic, which allows us to work with classes of functions whose complexity increases with the sample size. The construction of couplings is not of the Hungarian type and is instead based on the Slepian-Stein methods and Gaussian comparison inequalities. The increasing complexity of classes of functions and non-centrality of the processes make the results useful for applications in modern nonparametric statistics (Giné and Nickl [14]), in particular allowing us to study the power properties of nonparametric tests using Gaussian and bootstrap approximations.

25 August 2016