Dr. Dániel Prinz: all content

    Showing 1 – 20 of 24 results

    Journal graphic

    Life expectancy inequalities in Hungary over 25 years: The role of avoidable deaths

    Journal article

    Using mortality registers and administrative data on income and population, we develop new evidence on the magnitude of life expectancy inequality in Hungary and the scope for health policy in mitigating this. We document considerable inequalities in life expectancy at age 45 across settlement-level income groups, and show that these inequalities have increased between 1991–96 and 2011–16 for both men and women. We show that avoidable deaths play a large role in life expectancy inequality. Income-related inequalities in health behaviours, access to care, and healthcare use are all closely linked to the inequality in life expectancy.

    7 October 2021

    Nairobi Kenya

    'Green' motor taxation: issues and policy options in sub-Saharan Africa


    Taxes can be used to better align the private costs and benefits of motoring with the social costs and benefits. This report sets out some key issues and policy options for ‘green’ motor taxes in SSA. It provides an overview of the principles of motor taxation, describes the policy context in SSA, and discusses the potential for policy options that could improve existing tax systems in the region.

    13 September 2021

    Book graphic

    Firm Characteristics and Health

    Book Chapter
    We study the relationship between health and firm characteristics, primarily ownership using administrative data from Hungary.

    25 June 2021

    Book graphic

    Labor income, health status, and healthcare spending

    Book Chapter
    We examine geographic and income-related inequalities in health and healthcare spending and the relationship between these two dimensions of inequality using administrative data from Hungary.

    25 June 2021

    Book graphic

    Inequality of mortality and morbidity by income

    Book Chapter
    We use the comprehensive national individual-level mortality registers administrative data, and settlement-level and microregion-level administrative data on population characteristics and income to examine inequalities in Hungary during the 2011–2016 period in mortality rates, life expectancy, and morbidity.

    25 June 2021