Dr Bram De Rock: all content

    Showing 1 – 15 of 15 results

    IFS WP2021/32 Feed the children

    Feed the children

    Working Paper
    We conduct an experiment to understand the household decision-making process regarding food expenditures for children in poor households in Nairobi.

    5 October 2021

    Article graphic

    A new year, a new you?


    The impact of variation in diet quality across individuals on obesity and diet-related disease has received much attention, but variation in individuals’ diet quality over time less so. This column combines British data on food purchases with a model in which individual choice is driven by the influence of a healthy self and an unhealthy self to examine self-control problems in food choice.

    22 January 2018

    Journal graphic

    Empirical revealed preference

    Journal article

    This article aims to provide an introduction to empirical revealed preference (RP) and an overview of the current state of the field.

    15 August 2014

    Working paper graphic

    Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric bounds on the behavioural and welfare effects of price changes

    Working Paper

    Sharp nonparametric bounds are derived for Hicksian compensating and equivalent variations. These 'i-bounds' generalize earlier results of Blundell, Browning and Crawford (2008). We show that their e-bounds are sharp under the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (WARP). They do not require transitivity. The new i-bounds are sharp under the Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference (SARP). By requiring transitivity they can be used to bound welfare measures. The new bounds on welfare measures are shown to be operationalized through algorithms that are easy to implement.

    19 September 2012