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Showing 41 – 58 of 58 results

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Taxes up, taxes down, but fundamental problems unaddressed


As part of its deficit reduction programme, the coalition government has made numerous tax changes whose direct impact is to reduce borrowing by an estimated £16.4 billion in 2015–16. This Observation – and the accompanying new Election Briefing Note – shows how all this activity has done little to improve the structure of the tax system. Plenty of challenges remain for whoever wins the election in May.

13 March 2015

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IFS Green Budget 2015

Event 4 February 2015 at 10:00 <p>Dean's Yard, Westminster, London SW1P 3NZ</p>
The IFS Green Budget 2015 will analyse the issues and challenges facing Chancellor George Osborne as he prepares for his final Budget of this parliament.
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Public economics lectures

Event 15 December 2014 at 09:00 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
The Institute for Fiscal Studies is holding a day of talks on issues in public economics of interest to undergraduates in economics and related disciplines. The aim will be to focus on the policy implications of research carried out at the institute.
Presentation graphic

Tax and Labour Supply


This presentation was given at the Public Economics Lecture on 15 December 2014.

15 December 2014

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Taxing an independent Scotland

Journal article

This article considers the implications of independence for the design and functioning of Scotland’s tax system.

18 August 2014

Presentation graphic

Labour Supply and Taxes


This presentation was given at the IFS Public Economic Lectures on 16 December 2013 in London.

3 February 2014

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IFS Public economics lectures 2013

Event 16 December 2013 at 09:00 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
The Institute for Fiscal Studies is holding a day of talks on issues in public economics of interest to undergraduates in economics and related disciplines.
Publication graphic

Taxing an independent Scotland


This Briefing Note looks at the way that tax revenue in Scotland is currently delivered and at the reform options that would be open to an independent Scotland.

29 October 2013

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Better options exist to help low earners than 10p tax rate


In a speech in Bedford today, the Leader of the Opposition, Ed Miliband, has proposed reintroducing a 10% income tax rate on a narrow band of income, to be paid for by a new ‘mansion tax’ on residential properties worth more than £2 million. In this observation, IFS researchers explain why there are better alternatives to both of these policies that would have similar distributional effects.

14 February 2013