Do you want to find solutions to society's biggest problems? Have you considered working for a think tank?
Think tanks are research organisations that develop ideas and suggestions for action on a whole range of subjects affecting society. Using research, analysis and commentary, we aim to inform and influence politicians, policy makers and the public.
Given the economic, social and political issues facing the UK, ensuring the world of research and policy-making is populated by a variety of talented individuals with diverse views and backgrounds is more important than ever.
To contribute to achieving greater representation, a group of think tanks and similar organisations join together each year to hold a webinar for undergraduates interested in working in the sector.
This event was aimed at:
- People from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups
- People with work-limiting health conditions or impairments
- Young adults with caring responsibilities (including young parents)
- Mature students
- People from lower-income backgrounds
- Care leavers
- LGBT+ students
This event was organised in collaboration with CLES, Centre for Cities, Institute for Employment Studies, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Institute for Government, IPPR, Learning and Work Institute, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, New Local, NPC, Nuffield Trust, Pro Bono Economics, Resolution Foundation, Royal Economic Society, RUSI and TUC.
In order to monitor the effectiveness of our diversity strategy, we would be grateful if you would complete the following form. The information you supply is collected anonymously and will be used for monitoring purposes only. You do not have to answer all the questions (i.e. you can choose ‘prefer not to say’).