The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) are organising three discussions at the main party conferences this autumn. We are aiming to explore how we can build an efficient, sustainable tax system and raise the resources needed to fund public services in the 21st century. We intend to help develop better informed tax policy and greater understanding of the issues and constraints facing tax policy makers.

Liberal Democrat conference, Glasgow.
Castle 3 room, Crowne Plaza (secure zone)

Chair: Faisal Islam, Economics Editor Channel 4 News.
Panel members: Anne Fairpo, Deputy President CIOT, Paul Johnson, Director IFS and Dick Newby, Government Treasury Spokesman in the House of Lords

Attendance is free of charge and refreshments will be served; you do not need to register your attendance but delegates will require a party conference pass as the event takes place in a secure zone.