<p><p>Jon Gruber will be giving a talk at University College London, Department of Economics.</p><p><a href="http://econ-www.mit.edu/faculty/gruberj">Professor Jonathan Gruber</a> (MIT) was one of the architects of the Massachusetts health reform that was the basis for the federal plan. He worked with both the Obama Administration and Congress to develop the bills now being considered. Jon will be talking about the past, present and future of fundamental health reform in the US. His talk will present the history of the current legislation that is being considered (and maybe even passed by next week) in Congress. He will review the details of that legislation, and cover its strengths and weaknesses. He will also talk about prospects for the future and how the bill could change the health care system in the US.</p><p>The talk will be held at University College London, Department of Economics, Drayton House, Gordon Street, WC1H 0BE.</p></p>