The Institute for Fiscal Studies is now celebrating 20 years of ESRC Centre funding and would like to invite you to the launch of the ESRC Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), which will now be funded until 2015.

Further information about the Centre can be found on the CPP website.


6.00 - 6.30: Drinks and canapés will be served and guests will have the opportunity to meet with IFS researchers

6.30: Introduction and Welcome (Carl Emmerson, IFS)

6.35: Overview of the Centre (Richard Blundell, Centre Director)

6.40 - 7.15: Invited speakers

  • Paul Boyle, ESRC
  • Alan Auerbach, Berkeley
  • Dave Ramsden, HM Treasury
  • Evan Davis, BBC

7.15 - 8.00: Opportunity to meet with IFS researchers