At last year’s Budget the Chancellor announced that austerity was ‘coming to an end’. This autumn will be a key test of this change of direction, when the Government will need to set out departmental spending plans beyond March 2020. 

Join us as our expert panel discusses the context for setting those spending plans: What does ‘ending austerity’ actually mean? Which departments need extra money most? How much freedom of manoeuvre does the Chancellor have? And, if increased spending implies increased taxation, what are the options for raising it?

Venue: Stanley Suite, Midland Hotel, Manchester (inside secure zone)


  • Chair - Bronwen Maddox (Director, Institute for Government)
  • Kate Andrews (Associate Director, Institute of Economic Affairs)
  • John Barnett (Chair, CIOT Technical Committee)
  • Paul Johnson (Director, IFS)
  • Lord David Willetts (Former Minister of State for Universities and Science)

The panel discussion is free to attend and you don't need to register in advance, but as it is within the secure zone you will need a conference pass.

We are also holding a panel discussion at the Labour Party Conference on Monday 23 September at 14:30.