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    Event graphic

    TAXDEV Policy Conference: Analysing Tax Policy in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)

    Conference 23 March 2018 at 09:30 7 Ridgmount Street London WC1E 7AE
    Governments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) need to raise sufficient tax revenues in order to invest in human and physical capital and expand social protection programmes. Such investments will be vital to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. But effective tax systems are about more than raising revenue, and understanding the distributional and behavioural impacts of policies is vital if policymakers are to ensure that their tax systems support inclusive growth and avoid potentially damaging economic distortions.
    Book graphic

    Value added tax and excises

    Book Chapter
    Dimensions of Tax Design brings together a high-profile group of more than fifty international experts and younger researchers.

    1 April 2010

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    Tax and the crisis

    Journal article

    This paper reviews the main channels by which tax effects might have been felt and which may require forceful attention. These include in particular the large tax biases favouring debt finance and, in some countries, investment in housing.

    1 March 2010

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    Indirect tax design


    This draft paper forms part of the Mirrlees Review and was presented at the IFS Residential Conference 2007.

    20 April 2007

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    VAT and Excises


    This presentation was delivered at the IFS Residential Conference 2007.

    20 April 2007

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    Indirect taxes on international aviation

    Journal article

    There has recently been much discussion of the possible use of internationally coordinated indirect taxes, or equivalent charges, on international aviation, whether as a source of finance for development or as part of a response to heightened concerns with climate change.

    23 March 2007

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    The Russian 'flat tax' reform

    Journal article

    In 2001, Russia dramatically reduced its higher rates of personal income tax (PIT), establishing a single marginal rate at the low level of 13%. In the following year, real revenue from the PIT increased by about 26%.

    10 July 2005

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    The Russian flat tax reform


    Russia dramatically reduced its higher rates of personal income tax (PIT) in 2001 establishing a single marginal rate at the low level of 13 percent.

    31 January 2005

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    The Croatian profit tax: an ACE in practice

    Journal article

    This paper discusses the experience of Croatia in applying, from 1994 to the beginning of 2001, a profit tax that was charged only on equity income in excess of an imputed normal return.

    1 September 2002

    Working paper graphic

    Progressivity effects of structural income tax reforms

    Working Paper

    The theoretical analysis of tax progressivity has proceeded on the unrealistic assumption that tax liability is never zero, thereby precluding a systematic examination of the progressivity effects of such basic tax reforms as an increase in personal allowances.

    6 August 1996