Professor Joel L. Horowitz: all content

    Showing 1 – 20 of 63 results

    Working paper graphic

    Non-asymptotic inference in a class of optimization problems

    Working Paper

    This paper describes a method for carrying out non-asymptotic inference on partially identifi ed parameters that are solutions to a class of optimization problems. The optimization problems arise in applications in which grouped data are used for estimation of a model's structural parameters. The parameters are characterized by restrictions that involve the population means of observed random variables in addition to the structural parameters of interest. Inference consists of finding con fidence intervals for the structural parameters. Our method is non-asymptotic in the sense that it provides a fi nite-sample bound on the difference between the true and nominal probabilities with which a confi dence interval contains the true but unknown value of a parameter. We contrast our method with an alternative non-asymptotic method based on the median-of-means estimator of Minsker (2015). The results of Monte Carlo experiments and an empirical example illustrate the usefulness of our method.

    17 May 2019

    Working paper graphic

    Bootstrap methods in econometrics

    Working Paper

    This article explains the usefulness and limitations of the bootstrap in contexts of interest in econometrics.

    18 September 2018

    Journal graphic

    Nonparametric estimation and inference under shape restrictions

    Journal article

    Economic theory often provides shape restrictions on functions of interest in applications, such as monotonicity, convexity, non-increasing (non-decreasing) returns to scale, or the Slutsky inequality of consumer theory; but economic theory does not provide finite-dimensional parametric models. This motivates nonparametric estimation under shape restrictions. Nonparametric estimates are often very noisy. Shape restrictions stabilize nonparametric estimates without imposing arbitrary restrictions, such as additivity or a single-index structure, that may be inconsistent with economic theory and the data. This paper explains how to estimate and obtain an asymptotic uniform confidence band for a conditional mean function under possibly nonlinear shape restrictions, such as the Slutsky inequality. The results of Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the finite-sample performance of the method, and an empirical example illustrates its use in an application.

    18 August 2017

    Working paper graphic

    Nonparametric estimation and inference under shape restrictions

    Working Paper

    Economic theory often provides shape restrictions on functions of interest in applications, such as monotonicity, convexity, non-increasing (non-decreasing) returns to scale, or the Slutsky inequality of consumer theory; but economic theory does not provide finite-dimensional parametric models. This motivates nonparametric estimation under shape restrictions. Nonparametric estimates are often very noisy. Shape restrictions stabilize nonparametric estimates without imposing arbitrary restrictions, such as additivity or a single-index structure, that may be inconsistent with economic theory and the data. This paper explains how to estimate and obtain an asymptotic uniform confidence band for a conditional mean function under possibly nonlinear shape restrictions, such as the Slutsky inequality. The results of Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the finite-sample performance of the method, and an empirical example illustrates its use in an application.

    25 July 2016

    Working paper graphic

    Variable selection and estimation in high-dimensional models

    Working Paper

    Models with high-dimensional covariates arise frequently in economics and other fields. This paper reviews methods for discriminating between important and unimportant covariates with particular attention given to methods that discriminate correctly with probability approaching 1 as the sample size increases.

    2 July 2015