Professor Dame Carol Propper: all content

    Showing 1 – 20 of 32 results

    Presentation graphic

    Major economic challenges: Demographics


    This is the third in a series of online events looking in detail at the three major economic challenges identified by the Tirole-Blanchard Commission, featuring presentations by Axel Börsch-Supan, Claudia Diehl, and Carol Propper.

    22 September 2021

    Event graphic

    Climate change, inequalities, and ageing: the major economic challenges ahead

    Event 13 July 2021 at 11:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
    At this event, Professors Olivier Blanchard and Jean Tirole will present the main findings from their commission's recent report into three major economic challenges: climate change, economic inequalities, and demographic changes.
    Presentation graphic

    COVID-19 and disruptions to health and social care in England


    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to dramatic changes in the delivery of routine health and social care in England. At this IFS/Nuffield Trust event, we drew upon research from both organisations, survey data and official NHS statistics to examine the scale and nature of disruption in recent months and who has been most impacted.

    17 November 2020

    Fiscal Studies cover

    The wider impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the NHS

    Journal article

    This paper discusses likely implications for healthcare delivery in the short and medium term of the responses to the coronavirus pandemic, focusing primarily on the implications for non‐coronavirus patients.

    3 June 2020

    Working paper graphic

    Macroeconomic conditions and health in Britain: aggregation, dynamics and local area heterogeneity

    Working Paper

    Whether population health improves or worsens with changes in macroeconomic conditions is a long-standing question. Despite a substantial literature there is no clear consensus on the answer. Some studies find evidence that recessions are good for population health (i.e. poor health is pro-cyclical), while other studies find that health worsens in response to bad economic times (i.e. poor health is counter-cyclical). In addition, results for various health outcomes differ.

    14 April 2020