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10 September 2019

IFS Deaton Review panellists lead inequalities session at European Economic Association

Several IFS Deaton Review panellists led a special session on inequalities at the European Economic Association’s annual conference on 26th August 2019. They discussed recent changes in inequalities and the challenges they pose for social science and for policy, including how the IFS Deaton Review will be trying to address those challenges. Topics covered included drivers of trends in earnings and incomes, including trade, the labour market and redistributive policy; dimensions of inequality including health, wellbeing and political voice; how inequality can affect political changes and how certain political outcomes can affect inequality; and how inequalities affect, and are affected by, communities, the local environment and families.

James Banks (IFS and University of Manchester)

Speakers and presentations:

Different dimensions and drivers of inequality by Orazio Attanasio (UCL and IFS)

Download here.

Inequality: Some Political Economy Issues by Tim Besley (LSE)

Download here.

Inequality, Redistribution and the Labour Market by Richard Blundell (IFS and UCL)

Download here.

The Unequal Effects of Globalisation by Penny Goldberg (Yale and Chief Economist, World Bank)

Download here.