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17 April 2024

Educational Inequalities

Education is one of the most important predictors of people’s life chances, shaping outcomes like work and pay, health, and wealth. Building an education system that offers all children and young people the chance to reach their potential is essential to tackling wider inequalities in society.

IFS Associate Director Christine Farquharson  discussed a number of questions, including:

  • How does education shape people’s outcomes later in life?
  • How well has the UK’s education system been doing at developing people’s skills and at reducing inequalities?
  • How has that changed over time, and how does it compare to other countries?
  • What aspects of the education system make the most difference to inequality?
  • And what can policymakers do if they want to build a more equal education system?

This was one of a series of talks about the findings from the IFS Deaton Review, given by IFS researchers to civil servants across the Government Economic Service and Government Social Research Service.