Dr Bet Caeyers: all content

    Showing 1 – 20 of 22 results

    Working paper graphic

    Can Micro-Credit Support Public Health Subsidy Programs?

    Working Paper

    The low take-up of cost-effective and highly subsidised preventive health technologies in low-income countries remains a puzzle. In this paper we analyse whether, and how, micro- finance supports a large public health subsidy program in the developing world - the Swachh Bharat Mission - in achieving its aim of increasing uptake of individual household latrines.

    8 May 2019

    Working paper graphic

    Labelled Loans, Credit Constraints and Sanitation Investments

    Working Paper

    Credit constraints are considered to be an important barrier hindering adoption of preventive health investments among low-income households in developing countries. We find labelling loans is a viable strategy to improve uptake of lumpy preventive health investments.

    7 May 2019

    Publication graphic

    Pre-school and early childhood development in rural Northern Ghana: A snapshot


    High quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) are critical to children’s development and their success in adult life. Ghana has shown substantial commitment to improving ECCE, with one of the highest pre-school enrolment rates in Sub Saharan Africa. However despite this, significant barriers to improvements in ECCE remain, especially in rural areas.

    22 May 2018

    Publication graphic

    Improving early childhood development in rural Ghana through scalable low-cost community-run play schemes: Baseline Report


    This report presents a detailed overview of the baseline data collection activities as part of the project "Improving early childhood development in rural Ghana through scalable low-cost community-run play schemes''. The project is collaboration between The Institute for Fiscal Studies (UK), Lively Minds (UK, Ghana) and Innovations for Poverty Action (Ghana), and is funded by the Jacobs Foundation and Global Innovation Fund (GIF).

    22 May 2018

    Event graphic

    Beyond Average Impacts: Understanding Why Policies Work (Or Not)

    Event 26 September 2016 at 18:30 <p>UCL, Gower Street, London.</p>
    As part of the "What Works Global Summit" series, this presentation will use EDePo’s sanitation work as an example of how a research agenda developed (and in fact is developing) and will focus on specific questions around impact and policy evaluation.
    Publication graphic

    The costs and benefits of investing in a toilet


    Researchers at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) are working on a number of sanitation evaluation studies, two of them in India (in the states of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu) and one in Nigeria (in Enugu and Ekiti). In this short review the authors discuss the types of sanitation interventions that will be evaluated in the context of these studies.

    8 July 2015

    Publication graphic

    Peer effects in development programme awareness of vulnerable groups in rural Tanzania


    This working paper was published in February 2014 by the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford. In the paper, Manski's (1993) standard linear-in-means model is used to estimate endogenous peer effects on the awareness of vulnerable groups on Tanzania Social Action Fund II (TASAFII), i.e. Tanzania's flagship community-driven development programme.

    2 July 2015