
Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy

Welcome to the CPP site.

We are recognised as a global centre of excellence and have been granted official ESRC Research Institute status. The Research Centre at the heart of IFS is the CPP.

Aerial view of London

About CPP

CPP underpins and is fundamental to IFS's research agenda and is of central importance to our ability to integrate research with policy analysis. ESRC Centre funding enables the IFS to maintain the combination of impartiality, rigour and authority that is essential if we are to continue to achieve wide-ranging impact on policy and to inform the public debate.

The overarching objectives of CPP are to: make major scientific progress in understanding how individuals and firms behave and how they react to government policy; have substantial impact on policy in the fields of taxation, labour market, education, welfare, pensions, and public finances; and build technical and policy capacity in a new generation of highly-skilled researchers.

Academic and societal impact

top five economics journals over the past decade
top economics field journals over the past decade
front pages in 2024
hansard mentions in 2024
times evidence given at government committees in 2024