A research workshop on welfare and the low wage labour market was held as part of the IFS Deaton Review on 28th and 29th September, co-organised by the IFS and the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE.
Presentations from the event are below:
Trade-offs in providing in-work versus out-of-work assistance by Jesse Rothstein (UC Berkeley), moderated by Monica Costa Dias (Bristol and IFS)
Universal Basic Income by Melissa Kearney (Maryland), moderated by Damon Jones (Chicago)
Non-financial instruments in welfare policy by Jim Ziliak (Kentucky), moderated by Hilary Hoynes (UC Berkeley)
What should welfare policy learn from behavioural economics? by Eldar Shafir (Princeton), moderated by Tatiana Hominoff (NYU)
Welfare policy and atypical work arrangements by Abi Adams (Oxford), moderated by Barbara Petrongolo (QMUL)
Contributory systems and social insurance: what are the advantages and pitfalls? by Johannes Spinnewijn (LSE), moderated by Richard Blundell (IFS and UCL)
The role of unions in the 21st century by Henry Farber (Princeton), moderated by Christian Dustmann (UCL)
Wage setting beyond unions by Simon Jaeger (MIT), moderated by Pierre Cahuc (Sciences Po)
What do we know about the effects of minimum wages? by Attila Lindner (UCL), moderated by Giulia Giupponi (Bocconi)
The future of minimum wages, and complementary policies by Arin Dube (Univ Massachusetts), moderated by Lisa Kahn (Rochester)
Monopsony in the low wage labour market: how much is there and what should we do about it? by Alan Manning (LSE), moderated by Ioana Marinescu (Pennsylvania)
Policies to address geographic variation in wages by Enrico Moretti (UC Berkeley), moderated by Barbara Petrongolo (QMUL)