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Julia Cage



Julia CAGÉ is Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure) since 2021 and joined the Department in 2014. In 2018 she became the Co-director of LIEPP’s “Evaluation of Democracy” research group. She is also a CEPR Research Fellow.

Her research focuses on political economy, industrial organization and economic history. She is particularly interested in media economics, political participation and political attitudes. Her research has been published in a number of peer-reviewed international journals such as The Review of Economic Studies, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the American Economic Journal: MicroeconomicsExplorations in Economic History, the Journal of International Economics, and the European Economic Review. She is already the author of several books accessible to the general public: “Saving the Media – Capitalism, Crowdfunding, and Democracy” (Le Seuil, 2015; Harvard University Press, 2016) and “L’information à tout prix” (joint with N. Hervé and M.-L. Viaud, INA Editions, 2017). Her third book « Le prix de la démocratie » was published in 2018 by Fayard (English edition, Harvard University Press, 2020).

After completing her university studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and Paris School of Economics, Julia Cagé obtained her PhD at Harvard University in 2014.