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28 April 2022

Is economic inequality a problem?

There’s an unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in almost every country in the world. In most countries millions live in poverty, millions more are comfortable, some very comfortable, and a few are extremely wealthy. Income inequality has grown in over recent decades, wealth inequality is heading in the same direction. There are inequalities in education, life chances, health, longevity and political power.

Our instincts tell us that it is morally wrong to allow this kind of inequality to exist, but is it a really a problem we can or should solve? Why might it be important for us to reduce income and wealth inequality? And what role does policy have to play in its creation, and potentially its elimination?

At this event organised by The Garden, IFS Director Paul Johnson will make sense of how today’s economic inequality has arisen, and explore whether we could, or should, do something about it.

Attendance is free but please complete a booking form to request your place.